Modern DIY Light Fixture


Skill level: moderate



We are in the process of updating our master bedroom and desperately need a new light fixture. Searching all the regular sources was frustrating: nothing matched my vision for what I wanted, or it was super expensive. I ended up finding an image on Pinterest that had the perfect light fixture. The only problem was that it was just an image… no link to a shop or credit for where the image originated from. I showed the picture to Kris and he was inspired. He ended up combining what we could build, with what we could source out and made my dream light fixture! What a hero. He found a light fixture on amazon that we could modify and he got to work in the shop constructing the segmented ring. I am so happy with how it turned out!


yes!! WE ARE BUILDING IT AGAIN!!! What started out as a light fixture for our bedroom, turned into a light for our dining area instead. The original light fixture above our kitchen table was such an eye sore that we decided it needed to be replaced before our bedroom light. Kris is making a bigger walnut ring for our bedroom, so that the lights splay out more and don’t hang down as low. You can be sure that we will post pictures of that light fixture on our social media accounts when it’s completed.



Here’s Kris’ build video for you to see his process and hopefully give you some inspiration to start your own build! Post in comments below if you have any questions!


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Modern DIY Light Fixture Pinterest.png
Erin CrawfordComment